In this calm and factual talk, geneticist Wendy Chung shares what we know about autism spectrum disorder - for example, that autism has multiple, perhaps interlocking, causes. Looking beyond the worry and concern that can surround a diagnosis, Chung and her team look at what we've learned through studies, treatments and careful listening.
"Grandin's books about her interior life as an autistic person have increased the world's understanding of the condition with personal immediacy -- and with import, as rates of autism diagnosis rise. She is revered by animal rights groups and members of autistic community, perhaps because in both regards she is a voice for those who are sometimes challenged to make themselves heard."
"People are so afraid of variety that they try to fit everything into a tiny little box with a specific label," says 16-year-old Rosie King, who is bold, brash and autistic. She wants to know: Why is everyone so worried about being normal?
"How Autism Teaches US About Being Human" by Robert Naseef, author & psychologist at Alternative Choices, Philadelphia Robert Naseef is seasoned by 25 years of professional practice as an independent psychologist with Alternative Choices in Philadelphia. Dr. Naseef's specialty is working with families of children with autism and other special needs.
When Benji was diagnosed with autism, his parents were told he would never speak. However, he took the stage at TEDxTheBenjaminSchool Muthos and earned a standing ovation. Watch and be inspired by both Benji and his incredible mother, Debby Gans, as they recount their journey. Benji Gans is a seventh grader at Meyer Academy.
Growing up as an autistic teenager has given speaker Garrett Lees a unique perspective on society. Lees discusses the stereotypes he has encountered throughout his life, as well as how it has shaped him into who he is today.
In this talk, Guy uses the experiences and insights that he has gathered in his years as the father of an autistic boy to propose a radically different perspective on autism. Far from being a disability characterised by a set of accepted difficulties, he suggests that the underlying condition that gives rise to what we call autism is in fact one to be cherished.
Click here to watch more Ted Talks about Autism.