Internet Safety Guide for People With Autism Spectrum Disorder
How Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Affects Sleep
The Sleep Problems of Children With Autism
National Fire Protection Association - People with Disabilities Info
A Guide to Dental Care for Children with Autism.
Children and Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?
Muddy Smiles - Autism Play Guide
Play is a natural, fun driver of child development. It nurtures communication, encourages social and emotional interplay, teaches problem-solving, and boosts physical motor skills.
Children with autism often approach play differently. Understanding how and why can boost your confidence as a parent.
In this guide, you’ll find easy inspiration and practical ideas to help you nurture your child’s play skills.
NJ State Agencies
Early Intervention System (EIS)
The New Jersey Early Intervention System (NJEIS), under the Division of Family Health Services, implements New Jersey's statewide system of services for infants and toddlers, birth to age three, with developmental delays or disabilities, and their families. The Department of Health (DOH) is appointed by the Governor as the state lead agency for the Early Intervention System.
50 East State Street, 6th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08625-0364
Tel: 609-777-7734 (MAIN); 888-653-4463 (Referral Line)
Department of Children and Families (DCF)
The New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF) is the state’s comprehensive agency dedicated to ensuring the safety, well-being and success of children, youth, families and communities. Through its Division of Children’s System of Care (CSOC), DCF provides support services for all children and youth with developmental disabilities up to age 21.
Key Staff: Dr. Allison Blake, Commissioner
P.O. Box 729
Trenton, NJ 08625-0729
Phone: 1-855-INFO-DCF (1-855-463-6323)
Division of Children's System of Care (CSOC)
DCF’s Division of Children's System of Care (CSOC) serves children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral health care challenges and their families. As a result of a 2013 transition of developmental disability services from the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) to DCF, DCF serves all eligible children and youth up to age 21 through its Family Support program.
Key Staff: Elizabeth Manley, Director
50 East State Street, 4th floor
PO Box 717
Trenton, NJ 08625-0717
Phone: 609-888-7200
New Jersey Department of Children and Families' Division of Children's System of Care (CSOC) is responsible for determining eligibility for developmental disability services for all children and youth under age 18, and for providing the services for all children and youth under age 21. Eligibility for youth ages 18-21 is determined by the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD). All requests for support services for eligible individuals under 21 are directed to PerformCare.
PerformCare is the administrative services organization and the single point of entry for all requests for eligibility and services through CSOC. PerformCare arranges needs assessments and facilitates the delivery of family support services. Services include funding for respite and camp, in-home behavioral support, assistive technology devices, and home and vehicle modifications. In addition, placement in residential treatment or group homes may be provided when a child's needs cannot be met in the community.
Application materials, a list of frequently asked questions, fact sheets about Family Support Services and other information are available on PerformCare’s website. For new applications, or to request services for an eligible individual, contact PerformCare at 877-652-7624.
PerformCare is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
300 Horizon Drive Suite 306
Robbinsville, NJ 08691-1919
Phone: 877-652-7624
Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)
OSEP, within the Division of Student Services, has oversight responsibilities for the provision of education and related support services to students aged 3 to 21 with disabilities. The Office implements state and federal laws and regulations governing special education to ensure that pupils with disabilities in New Jersey receive full educational opportunities.
Key Staff: Dr. Peggy McDonald, Director
PO Box 500
Trenton, NJ 08625-0500
Tel: 609-292-0147
Fax: 609-984-8422
Department of Human Services (DHS)
The largest department in New Jersey state government, DHS serves 1.5 million New Jerseyans, or about one of every six state residents. DHS provides support services for people with disabilities and their families, as well as programs for mental health consumers, protective services for children, the New Jersey Medicaid program, food stamps, child care, financial assistance, and adoption.
Key Staff: Elizabeth Connolly, Acting Commissioner
PO Box 700
Trenton, NJ 08625-0700
Tel: 609-292-3717
Fax: 609-292-3824
Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)
DDD arranges and coordinates needed services to eligible New Jersey residents age 21 and up who have developmental disabilities. The Division also determines eligibility for Children's System of Care (CSOC) family support services for individuals ages 18-21. DDD's mission is to assist people with developmental disabilities to live as independently as possible. DDD serves individuals who live at home with their families, as well as individuals who are in living arrangements funded and licensed by DDD. These arrangements are operated by either private agencies or individuals under contract with DDD. DDD also operates developmental centers statewide.
Among the services DDD provides are case management, guardianship, guidance to parents in becoming legal guardians of their adult children, family support, residential services, day programs, and supported employment services. Most of these services are provided through contracts with private organizations or individual contractors. DDD provides services to Medicaid-eligible individuals through the Supports Program and administers the Community Care Waiver (CCW) within Medicaid for the State of New Jersey.
Key Staff: Elizabeth M. Shea, DDD Assistant Commissioner
PO Box 726
Trenton, NJ 08625-0726
Tel: 800-832-9173 (toll free) or 609-987-0800
Fax: 609-987-2070
There are nine Community Service Offices serving the 21 counties throughout NJ.
Division of Disability Services (DDS)
The Division of Disability Services (DDS) focuses on serving people who have become disabled as adults, whether through illness or injury. Through its toll free hotline -- 1-888-285-3036 -- DDS responds to as many as 15,000 requests each year for Information and Referral Assistance on issues affecting people with any type of disability in the State of New Jersey. And, as one of its primary services, DDS publishes New Jersey Resources 2012, a comprehensive guide about services across New Jersey for people with disabilities. This directory is updated annually.
Key Staff: Joseph Amoroso, Director
PO Box 700
Trenton, NJ 08625-0700
Tel: 888-285-3036 (toll free) or 609-292-7800
Fax: 609-292-1233
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS)
DVRS is responsible for training and placement of persons of employable age with disabilities. The mission of the New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services is to enable individuals with disabilities to achieve employment outcomes consistent with their strengths, priorities, needs, abilities and capabilities. The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services is here to help individuals with disabilities that are having trouble finding or holding a job because of their disability. If you have a disability that is preventing you from working, or which is endangering your present employment, you may wish to submit a referral for services.
Key Staff: Alice Hunnicutt, Director
PO Box 398
Trenton, NJ 08625-0398
Tel: 609-292-5987
Fax: 609-292-8347
Butler R.I.S.E. Program
Everyone needs their own Find’em Scent Safe
Ruby is a distinguished scent dog, admired by handlers across America. She knows that the best chance she has of helping to find a missing loved one is a pure scent item. The best way to be prepared is for your loved ones to be properly “Scent Identified” and use the Find’em Scent Safe.
Developed by decorated Police Captain, Dr. Coby Webb, the Find’em Scent Safe is a scent collection and storage system. Following the proper steps and knowing the right location to collect a scent is not only critical but easy when using Dr. Webb’s system.
Planning a Trip to Disney for a Child with Disabilities or Medical Needs
How Music Helps with Mental Health – Mind Boosting Benefits of Music Therapy
A Catalog of Sensory Ideas
Sensory play is crucial for a child’s development. Sensory play can help your baby develop a better sense of vision, touch, taste, hearing, and smell. While a child with cerebral palsy or other various disabilities may experience an abnormal degree of sensory processing, sensory play is still important.
Career Guide for People With Disabilities [Updated 2023]
Resources to Prepare Parents & Students with ASD
Interactive planner for caregivers
All parents know how difficult it is to keep track of everything going on with their kids. From meals, to medications, to the daily schedule, children’s lives seem every bit as complicated as adults’ – maybe more. When a child has special needs, the complexity is raised to another level.
You probably feel like you could hire a personal assistant to manage your kid’s affairs.
Since that isn’t financially feasible for most parents, we’ve put together a virtual assistant to help keep you and your kids organized. And our interactive planner is absolutely free for you to use.
Explore the toolbox below and discover user-friendly ways to schedule your child’s day, record your child’s meals, track games and activities, log medications, and share emergency contact information.
We hope the interactive planner makes your hectic life just a little bit easier.
Autism Parenting Magazine
Are you looking for the most up-to-date news and professional guidance for you and your child on the subject of autism?
Autism Parenting Magazine gives your family access to:
Expert advice from our team of respected professionals.
Solutions for dealing with sensory issues.
Advice for handling transitions.
Therapies to help develop your child's potential.
The latest news and research that can help your family.
Real life stories from parents of children on the spectrum as well as from adults with autism to inspire and bring hope.
Visit to learn more.
SmartWatch is an easy-to-use, non-invasive wristwatch that continuously monitors movements and instantly alerts connected family members and caregivers upon the onset of repetitive, irregular shaking motion.
Referral code (10% discount) for Autism Radio AR080813.
The Alert Program® for Self-Regulation
Over the past two decades, countless parents, teachers, and therapists world-wide have implemented the Alert Program with those who are verbal or non-verbal. They found the program to be a practical approach to support self-regulation for all ages and all types of challenges, including autism and ADHD. As you begin thinking how the Alert Program can best meet the needs of your young child, older student, or adult client, click on the following questions. And we encourage you to browse our website to learn more.
We offer our two day "How Does Your Engine Run?" Alert Program trainings throughout the United States and internationally. Review our schedule below. We also offer one day trainings and customized distance learning options (contact us to request a Sponsor Packet).
Oral Care for Children by Humairah Shah, DMD
Children don’t come with a manual. Your first child is always a learning experience. I wanted to give a first time mother a list of few things that will help take care of her child’s teeth.
Download an iBooks App or in iBooks search, "Sam and the Sugar Bug."
NUTRITIONFACTS.ORG is a 501c3 nonprofit charitable organization brought to you by the Jesse & Julie Rasch Foundation in partnership with Michael Greger, M.D. Dr. Greger scours the world of nutrition-related research, as published in scientific journals, and brings that information to you in short, easy to understand video segments. We also provide links to the original journal articles whenever possible so that you can source the information directly, if you so desire. All donations to aretax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.
The goal of this website is to present you with the results of the latest in nutrition and health research, presented in a way that is easy to understand.
Autism Treatment Center of Newtown Square, PA
A state-of-the-art comprehensive center for the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Developmental Delay, integrating mainstream behavioral therapy with innovative, cutting-edge biomedical interventions.
The Arc of the Osarks, Springfield, MO
The Arc currently serves 30+ individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis in the Springfield, MO area. To help address our needs locally, we have developed a new program with an autism focus.
Free Photography Session for Families with Special Needs Children in Morris County, NJ.
Contact Nick Muscolino and tell him Autism Radio sent you, or let us know what you need at