Please tune in tonight at 8:00 PM EST when your Host Paul Cimins and Co-Host Lynne Glucoft discuss how families from around the world are getting through the holidays and the winter break.
Show#342 Celebration The Holidays Year in Review !!!
Please tune in tonight at 8:00 PM EST when your Host Paul Cimins talks about the Year in Review of Autismradio and the upcoming year events.
Show#341 Interview with Lara Stolman Producer & Director, Of Swim Team
Please tune in tonight at 8:00 PM EST when your Host Paul Cimins sits down for an exclusive interview with Lara Stolman
About Our Guest
Lara's work has appeared on NBC, MSNBC, TLC, AMC, VH-1 and The New York Times' website. Her film Portraits of Survival, about coming to terms with the tragedy of 9/11 through art was selected for the Hamptons International Film Festival, aired on MSNBC and was awarded the Cine Golden Eagle.
For Swim Team, her first feature documentary film, she was named an IFP Documentary Lab Fellow, awarded the New York Women in Film and Television Loreen Arbus Disability Awareness grant and was provided with completion funding from the Karma Foundation.
Lara has guest lectured on documentary production at NYU, served as a juror for the News and Documentary Emmy Awards and writes for the Huffington Post. She has a BA in Political Science from Columbia College of Columbia University and JD from Yeshiva University's Benjamin Cardozo School of LawProducer and Direcotr of Swim Team.We take an inside look about this wonderful Film.
For More Information Go to:
Show#340 Social Media Question of The Week Topic Getting a Baby Sitter !!!!
Please tune in tonight at 8:00 PM EST when your Host Paul Cimins and Co-Host Lynne Glucoft discuss the social media question of the week:
Do you have problems getting a babysitter for your ASD child? We would like to hear from you - we will be discussing on our next radio show "Hope Saves The Day"? Who do you use as your babysitter? What would be your suggestion to other parents who are looking for a babysitter for some respite time for herself/himself or for a married couple to get out alone? Please contact us at or call us TOLL FREE at 1-877-HOPE-777. You can be part of our show!!! We look forward to hearing from you.
Show#339 Interview with Comedian Michael Ray Kingsbury Raising a Son With Autism
Please tune in tonight at 8:00 PM EST when your Host Paul Cimins sits down with Michael Ray Kingsbury.
About our Guest Michael Ray Kingsbury. I am a Comedic Storyteller/proud father of a child with Autism. I have been featured at The Vermont Comedy Club, The Albany Comedy Works and I was a finalist in the 2016 word X word competition.He takes us a Journey how his Comedy has changed since having a child with autism and how he balances the work life relationship being on the road as a comedian. He had a wonderful article on The Mighty called To the 'Cool Guy' on the Plane Who Realized My Son Has Autism.
You can read it here
Show #338 - Social Media Question - "Autism Is..." One word answers
Please tune in tonight at 8:00 PM EST when your Host Paul Cimins and Co-Host Lynne Glucoft discuss the social media question of the week: How would you answer this question: We asked Using One Word Autism Is?.The Responses all have so many meanings to people from all over the world and we share them with you.
Show #337 - Discussing handling Tantrums and Aggression in ASD individuals
Please tune in tonight at 8:00 PM EST as HostPaul Cimins& Co-Host Lynne Glucoft discuss our latest social media question. Do you have problem handling aggression and tantrums with your child, teenager or adult with ASD? We will discuss the answers as well as some advice given from professionals.
Show#336 Getting Ready for Thanksgiving
Please join us tonight at 8:00 PM EST where your Host Paul Cimins and Co-Host Lynne Glucoft discuss tips on making a thanksgiving a successful Holiday .
Show#335 Gatwick becomes an Autism Friendly airport
Please join us tonight at 8:00 PM EST where your Host Paul Cimins .Talks about the First Autism Friendly Airport in the World.The Gatwick UK becomes the first of its kind to start a movement to make flying a better experience for individuals with Autism.
Show#334 Interview with Heather Williams Full Circle Performing Arts Coordinator
Please join us tonight at 8:00 PM EST where your Host Paul Cimins sits down with Heather Williams Performing Arts Coordinator from the Full Circle Program at the Matheny- Arts Access Program.
Full Circle Promo
The Four Principles: This video goes in depth about the way we work with
our clients to create fine art
Full Circle 2016 Conversations Highlights Artists’ Accomplishments
Peapack – Lovers of fine and performing art are invited to enjoy inspired paintings; dances that redefine the rules of movement; and dramatic and written works that evoke the human experience. These offerings and more will be on display at Full Circle 2016: Conversations. The annual celebration of Matheny Medical & Educational Center’s Arts Access Program will be held on Saturday, November 5, from 3-6pm, in the Robert Schonhorn Arts Center.
Created more than 20 years ago, the Arts Access Program enables individuals with developmental disabilities to express themselves through the creative and performing arts. While the artists’ minds are full of imaginative ideas, they have limited use of their bodies and voices to share those ideas with the world. The Arts Access Program tosses out that equation and uses professional artists as facilitators who assist the clients in creating original works of art in every discipline.
‘Conversations’ is the theme of this year’s event. “Every reaction to a painting, poem, dance or play is a response to a conversation started by the creator,” says Eileen Murray, Director of the Arts Access Program. “The Arts Access artists share their thoughts, ideas and unique views on the world. Many of the artists have never spoken a word, but through their art, they speak volumes.”
The clients’ artistry will be featured in an innovative stage showcase that includes dance, theatre, and creative writing pieces. In addition to the performance, patrons can view a multi-media gallery exhibit that highlights acrylic paintings, digital art, and sculpture. Arts Access Performing Arts Coordinator, Heather Williams, will be producing the stage performance for a second year. The artwork will be curated once again by Haeree Park, who in addition to being the Arts Access Project and Events Coordinator is also an accomplished artist and photographer.
The honorary chair for Full Circle 2016: Conversations is Shannon DeVido.
DeVido is a talented actress, comedian, and singer who will lend her support and speak at the event. Local vendors and sponsors will provide fine food tastings and beverages. Full Circle tickets are $50 and can be ordered online at or by calling (908) 234-0011 ext. 260. All proceeds will benefit the Arts Access Program.
Artist Spotlight
Kevin White: Born to Dance
Talented artist’s first choreographed piece will be featured in Full Circle: Conversations.
“My dance will be exciting,” expressed Kevin White, as he revealed a wide smile. “People will love it.” A choreographer, artist, and writer with Matheny’s Arts Access Program, Kevin’s first fully-choreographed dance will be included in Full Circle: Conversations, the Program’s annual fine art and performance showcase.
Held November 5, 2016 at the Robert Schonhorn Center in Peapack, the event will take place from 3:00pm-6:00pm. Kevin’s dance is a solo piece in which he will be the featured dancer. Choreographed to Rachmaninoff’s “Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini,” the dance was created over the course of a little more than two years.
“For a first-time choreographer, Kevin demonstrated an innate, sophisticated musicality and a desire to expand his boundaries as a solo dancer,” said Corey Bliss, an Arts Access Dance Facilitator who has worked with Kevin for three years. “It is not always easy for a choreographer to dance in his own work, but Kevin was unfazed by the challenge.”
Warm eye gazes and smiles, attention-grabbing utterances, and a communication board are just some of the ways Kevin invites interaction with friends and viewers of his work. As attendees will see, Kevin also has a knack for musicality and choreography. According to Bliss, Kevin exhibits a unique sensitivity to the dynamic shifts in music. He connects with specific notes and phrases as he crafts the timing for each section of movement.
“Kevin created original movements for his arms, legs, and head,” said Bliss. “He also chose specific points in the melody for changes in speed and direction, adding dramatic effect to this otherwise abstract work.” Kevin’s dance will include a “ghost dancer who maneuvers his wheelchair but does no other independent movements.
“I listened to a few things before deciding on the music,” shared Kevin, who was born in Cherry Hill. “I just started to really like classical music. Creating the dance was a challenge.”
Kevin has participated in Arts Access Program, a fine arts program for individuals with developmental disabilities, almost since its inception over twenty years ago. He loves having the support of his mom, twin sisters, and niece Molly, who is the apple of his eye. His family currently resides in Palmyra.
In addition to a choreographed dance, Kevin will have three acrylic paintings included in Full Circle’s gallery exhibit. His paintings and digital work have been featured in multiple venues. Locations include the Johnson & Johnson IT Building in Raritan, NJ, The Atrium Gallery in Morristown, NJ, NESC Gala in NYC, Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, NJ, Monmouth Museum in NJ, Bernardsville Library, NJ, and UMDNJ Medical School in Newark, NJ.
For additional information about Full Circle: Conversations or to purchase tickets, which are $50, log onto
Show#333 Interview with Heather Williams Full Circle Performing Arts Coordinator
Please join us tonight at 8:00 PM EST where your Host Paul Cimins sits down Richard Stripp Author of Mommy, I Wish I Could Tell You What They Did To Me In School Today” We get a glimpse into the minds of 10 different children with varying disabilities through the eyes of one of their closest friends. The author has worked directly with these children and because most of them can’t speak for themselves, he has given us an idea of what they might possibly say. All of the scenarios discussed in this book are based on actual events. While some of it may be disturbing, the hope is that the reader will learn what can occur in an effort to make things better in the future. This one-of-a-kind book is a must-read for anyone socially, emotionally, or professionally linked to any special needs person.
Here are some Link to Purchase the book and Get More Information.
here is the link to purchase the cd/song:
Show#332 Interview with Co -Founder Susan Kolb of "Life With Joy" a NJ Non- Profit Which is Giving Young Adults with Autism a Right To Dream!!!
Please join us tonight at 8:00 PM EST where your Host Paul Cimins sits down with Co-Founder Susan Kolb who talks about their wonderful program "Life with Joy" which is giving young adults with autism the right to dream, find happiness and live as independently as possible in a safe, educational, and nurturing environment
Acquiring New Skills and Responsibilities
Building Strength and Character through Sports
Participating with friends in Group
" At Life With Joy we believe there are no limits to what Adults with Autism can become. We see Arthur's growth every day. Without Life With Joy, he would sit on the floor and bang his head against the wall until his head was bloody. With the constant stimulation and attention we provide, we can see Arthur achieving all his dreams - a career in farming, friends, true love and the happiness of a full life."
Please Visit
Show#331 Discussing Guardianship
Please join us tonight at 8:00 PM EST where your Host Paul Cimins and Co-Host Lynne Glucoft discuss our most recent social media question:
How much do you know about obtaining Guardianship for you ASD child as he/she makes the transition into adulthood? We'd like to hear from listeners who have gone through this (maybe you could pass along some advice) and we'd like to hear from listeners/followers who have questions/concerns regarding this. We will also do some research and discuss the topic at length
Show #330 -Discussing if, how & when to tell your ASD child that he has autism
Listen in tonight at 8:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time, as your host, Paul Cimins and Co-Host Lynne Glucoft discuss the social media question of the week: If, how and when you should tell your child (Asperger's or HFA (high functioning autism) - that he/she has autism? If you've done it - how did it work out? What would your advice be to other parents? We will also be discussing some research on the subject and seeing what the experts think.
Show#329 Getting Your Child Out In The Community
Please join us tonight at 8:00 PM EST where your Host Paul Cimins talks about getting your child out of the community.
Show#328 Getting Back In The Swing For School
Show#327 Discussing The Differences Between Encouragement and Praise
Please join us tonight at 8:00 PM EST where your Host Paul Cimins and Co-Host Lynne Glucoft discuss Social Media Question.
The goal of every autism parent is to have their child grow up and be independent and become a functioning member of society. How do you motivate your child/adult? Do you use "encouragement" - thanking the child for the work he/she has done or do you use "praise" - giving child a reward or saying how proud you are of him/her. What works best for you? Some parenting experts say that "encouragement" fosters self-reliance and that "praise" tends to foster dependence on others. There is a difference. We would like to discuss this on our next show. Tell us what you think - call our show directly TOLL FREE at 1-877-HOPE-777 or Let us know your thoughts! We look forward to hearing from you.
Show#326 Interview with Eileen Shaklee known as Mama Fry
Please join us tonight at 8:00 PM EST where your Host Paul Cimins talks with Eileen Shaklee
Autism is a trip I didn't plan on, but I sure do love my tour guide. It's better to laugh than to cry, mainly because I got distracted by the free samples at Costco and forgot to buy tissues. So, come join this one mom's adventure with a side of sarcasm (and fries) on my blog, Autism with a side of
Facebook page Autism with a side of fries
Twitter @FrenchFryInc
SnapChat MamaFry74
Show#325 Interview with Peter Fifoot Young Man with Autism.
Please join us tonight at 8:00 PM EST where your Host Paul Cimins talks with Peter Fifoot a young man with Autism who is truly an inspiration to us all. He is paving the way for the autism community.He has dreams and goals of being a broadcaster and he shares that with you and after listening to him you can see he has a very bright future in the industry at such a young age. He gives us insight to his many talents and abilities.So sit back a relax and enjoy the Interview.
I have been through many obstacles throughout my life. My life has been a bit more challenging than others due to my disability. When I was 2 years old, I was diagnosed with autism. I had problems communicating with others because first I was mute and then I would stay on one topic and not change conversations. Another problem I had was with pacing back and forth and flapping my arms when I thought of something. The district of Jefferson wanted to put me in special education but my parents fought the district and took them to court. My parents settled and I have never been in special education. I learned to read when I was 3 due to intense therapy and have always been an intelligent and energetic young person.However, I was not always adept socially. So my parents had me take ABA or Applied Behavior Analysis therapy programs. This taught me life skills from eye contact in conversations to holding doors open. It has really helped me socially and as a young man. I have also grown more socially than neurotypicals my age. This may explain why I have numerous friends who are neurotypical and participate on track, cross country and basketball teams who all consist of neurotypical players. My hopes and dreams are to be a criminal defense lawyer or to be a commentator for a sport on a major station or be a commentator for a sports team, particularly football
Show # 324 Interview with Karen-Sisto a Speech/language pathologist Who Created an Ap I Can Have Conversations With You !!!
Please join us tonight at 8:00 PM EST where your Host Paul Cimins talks with Karen Kabaki-Sisto, a speech/language pathologist for over 20 years helping children with autism, Asperger's, and other communication disorders. She spent 10 years harnessing her knowledge of language, behavior analysis, and theory of mind, I've perfected and launched a therapy system for the iPad called "I Can Have Conversations With You!". My app targets the communication needs of people with autism who are 6+, talk in sentences, read, and are comfortable using tablets. It systematically teaches people with autism to express and understand words, gestures, and feelings - the main need of many families I've helped throughout my career.
For More Information Please Visit
For More Information Please Visit:
My own blog: