Tough Mudder is the TOUGHEST one day event on the planet. This is not your average mud run or boring, spirit-crushing road race. It’s Ironman meets Burning Man: our 7-12 mile obstacle courses are designed by British Special Forces to test all around toughness, strength, stamina, fitness, camaraderie, and mental grit. Forget about your finish time. This is about camaraderie, teamwork, and helping your fellow Mudders. Simply completing the event is a badge of honor. Not everyone will finish, but those who do make it to our post-event party will have truly earned the right to call themselves a Tough Mudder.
My name is Rick Pagnillo. I’m the father of 3 beautiful children and a soccer coach for the Soccer Club of Springfield as well as a soccer player. I plan to lead our TOUGH MUDDERS group, Team Grapplers Quest to our own personal victory. Our ambition in this event is to complete the toughest challenge we have ever faced in hope to raise funds for Hope Saves the Day and - Team Grapplers Quest believes in the power and strength of parents fighting for their children and has teamed up with us to support this cause.
A parent is the strongest fighter you may find when it comes to their child’s welfare. They will take on any adversary to ensure their child has a brilliant healthy future. Grapplers Quest has recognized this plight, and has teamed up with a group of parents to sponsor their quest in completing the Tough Mudder event on November 20, 2010 in Englishtown, NJ.
Please support our charity cause of Autism - make a donation today, go to - all funds go towards the fight to cure Autism and assist families in need that are affected by this disorder.
I have a team of parents, soccer coaches, and soccer players who plan to triumph in this event and raise money for Autism Radio, A Non Profit Organization that is committed to making a difference in the Autism Community. Their Mission is to improve the lives of the individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their friends and families, who struggle to understand, treat, care for, and help find a cure for their loved one. Their radio program is dedicated to raising public awareness about Autism, and helping individuals, families, and society cope with struggles of this disorder. Our mission is to raise funds and distribute them to families in need who are dealing with the Autism Spectrum Disorder. We are committed to raising the funds necessary to support these goals. For more information on Autism, visit:
As parents and coaches, we have daily interactions with children affected by Autism spectrum disorders. What we will face when we battle this 12 mile course that includes 19 obstacles to test our strength, endurance, and mental toughness, pales in comparison to the struggles and tribulations that some families face in an ongoing battle. This is why we band together to fight for our families, our friends, and the children we coach. We set forth on this mission to help raise awareness in the Autism community and give hope and a chance to families in need.
Our training is in full force and we thank you in advance for your support!
For a pdf of Team Grapplers Quest Bios, click here.
Coach Rick
Team Grapplers Quest
P.S. Help me remind parents of Autistic children worldwide that we're fighting for them every day - join our crusade against Autism, donate here: