We are so Happy to Announce Our 2013 Ipad for Autism Program we have selected 10 Students to each Receive there very own Ipad with case as well as Special Software and Training by Stacy Gebbia who has been a teacher at Park Lake School for 13 years. Throughout her time at Park Lake, she has developed an interest in teaching her students how to learn in a creative and functional way. She understands the importance of communication and tries to teach her students to communicate in any way they can. She has participated in many workshops to learn new ways to teach students with Autism how to communicate. She became very interested in the ipad and noticed how it could open up a new world for her students. She uses the ipad in every aspect of her classroom – for teaching new concepts in all subjects, for communication, and to teach leisure skills.
The Program will take the students through all of the following.
Introduction to the ipad– Communicating with the ipad - Proloquo to go
– How we use the ipad at school / How you can use the ipad at home
- Learning through Leisure skills